2018, Performance, laser Beam Machine, cameras, Andy Warhol artwork
An audio-visual “Disposition” with a laser beam machine, a copy of an Andy Wharhol artwork “Jackie” from “General Rehearsal” exhibition ( https://genreh.ru/en/ ) and a special algorithm, based on the texts of Empedocles and Gershom Scholem. This performance becomes a literal illustration of machine agency and autonomy, because the interpretation and potential distortions of the algorithm by the machine itself plays an important role in it. In the avant-garde, the process of the freeing of an object (a machine) supposed a likeness to a human being and an imbuing with an anthropomorphic will, while in this case the object is initially free. It does not need a human being and doesn’t refer to one, despite the fact that the departure point of its functioning is a philosophical text.

One hour video documentation: